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来源:http://www.shuangfengbaozhuang.cn 时间:2020-04-10

  在工厂建筑物中存储许多物品需要相应地进行包装。 纸护角的应用仍然比较常见,因此效果非常好。 无论使用哪种配置文件,都可以在需要时减少。 有些磨损,我们来谈谈它是如何在这里使用的。
  Many items stored in factory buildings need to be packed accordingly. The application of paper angle protection is still common, so the effect is very good. No matter which profile you use, you can reduce it when you need it. Some wear, let's talk about how it is used here.
  ,纸张角在使用效果上是好的,如普通纸板或需要使用它,当一堆纸板堆放在相应的位置时,它不可避免地会因处理或运输而颠簸,那么纸角会保护效果 。
  First of all, the paper angle is good in the use effect, such as ordinary cardboard or need to use it. When a pile of cardboard is stacked in the corresponding position, it will inevitably be bumped due to processing or transportation, so the paper angle will protect the effect.
  二,纸角是一种纸制品,为了能够长时间使用,还需要在储存期间防止潮湿,保持在干燥的环境中,注意光线处理,不能用力过大 造成不必要的伤害。
  2、 Paper corner is a kind of paper product. In order to use it for a long time, it is also necessary to prevent moisture during storage, keep it in a dry environment, pay attention to light treatment, and do not use too much force to cause unnecessary damage.
  纸角的使用通常用于保护产品的角落。 在运输过程中,角落突出并经常发生碰撞。 正是由于这个原因,运输的损失增加了,纸张的角落也是非常必要的。
  The use of paper corners is often used to protect product corners. In the process of transportation, corners protrude and often collide. It is for this reason that the loss of transportation has increased and the corner of paper is also very necessary.
  存放纸张角时,请将其存放在干燥,通风的环境中。 在纸角仓库中不能使用明火。 应将一些灭火装置放置在指定位置,并应制作更明显的指示箭头,以便于取用。
  When storing paper corners, please store them in a dry and ventilated environment. Open fire cannot be used in paper corner warehouse. Some fire extinguishing devices shall be placed in designated positions, and more obvious indicating arrows shall be made for easy access.
  潮湿的环境会影响纸张角落的使用。 水分影响纸张角落中使用的材料,影响纸张角落的硬度,并注意存储环境中的环境湿度。
  Humid environment will affect the use of paper corner. Moisture affects the material used in the corner of the paper, affects the hardness of the corner of the paper, and pays attention to the environmental humidity in the storage environment.