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来源:http://www.shuangfengbaozhuang.cn 时间:2020-05-19

  Corrugated box in the production of moisture-proof, in addition to protect the packaging from water immersion, mainly to prevent the impact of water on the box itself. To make moisture-proof, usually with the method of coating waterproof agent to solve. Therefore, according to the function of waterproof agent, the moisture-proof methods of waterproof cartons can be divided into temporary waterproof treatment and permanent waterproof treatment. Shanghai corrugated box
  Temporary waterproof agent: after using temporary waterproof agent in the production process of corrugated board, it has the function of temporary waterproof agent. When the water falls on the cardboard for a short time, do not wet it into water drops, which can prevent the cardboard from being wet by water.
  这种涂料初用于织物纤维,后来用于纸板。因此,大多数纸箱厂都采用代理的名称。代理是一种蜡乳液,一般固体含量:48% ~ 51%,和一个大的特点是当使用可用的30倍水稀释,然后涂在已初具规模的瓦楞纸板脸,温度约150℃干燥后,纸张表面纤维由于包裹的醋,和较的表面张力,表面形成的水渗透。
  This coating was originally used for fabric fibers and later for cardboard. As a result, most carton factories use the name of agent. The agent is a wax emulsion. The general solid content is 48% ~ 51%, and a large feature is that when the water can be diluted 30 times as much as it can be used, then it is coated on the corrugated board face that has begun to take shape. After drying at about 150 degrees, the surface fiber of the paper is penetrated by the water formed by the wrapped vinegar and the lower surface tension. Shanghai corrugated box
  When in contact with water, the water will not be soaked on the board, forming water drops to roll off, so as to achieve waterproof effect. However, the adhesion of wax to paper fiber is not good, especially when the dehydrator is diluted 30 times, its solid content is only One point five +The fibers on the paper surface are only covered with a thin layer of wax. Also because the wax wax emulsion particle size usually exceeds the usual polymer emulsion particle size, the penetration into paper fiber is difficult. At the same time, the agent generally sensitive alum a chemical substance, usually on the surface of the paper quickly demulsification and precipitation of rice, so most of the wax painting particles from water on paper only exist very thin layer.
  Under the action of external friction, the wax is easy to be rubbed off, and there is no wax wrapping on the fiber surface, so the waterproof effect is greatly reduced. In order to improve the adhesion of wax to paper fibers, water extraction agents often contain rosin derivatives or carboxylic polymer emulsions, which have good adhesion to paper fibers and good compatibility with wax. In this way, their addition can promote the adhesion of wax to paper fiber, and if the wax is modified, such as oxidation, free radicals, etc., it has a similar effect, which can increase the adhesion of wax to paper fiber.
  However, Xiaobian reminds that in addition to these measures, the concentration of water extractant is not a waterproof membrane, so in the process of friction, such as box treatment, stacking, friction often makes this waterproof surface ineffective. That's why this kind of carton coating acts as a temporary waterproof carton. At present, water absorbent has been widely used in some carton factories, and has become a basic process.
  In addition, different brands of water extractants have different raw materials and preparation processes. There are some differences in the proportion of water. It is very important to make good use of the appropriate proportion of water. If the water content is too high, the water absorption will be significantly reduced, unable to achieve the waterproof effect. Moisture content is too low, often in the cardboard surface form dark wax oil, damage the appearance of the cardboard.