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来源:http://www.shuangfengbaozhuang.cn 时间:2020-05-25

  In order to ensure the strength and good adhesion of corrugated board, the forming of corrugated board should be adjusted according to the different configuration of corrugated board production line.
  1. 当瓦楞纸进入单面机的含水量控制在9% - 12%之间时,瓦楞纸成型是理想的。当瓦楞纸含水率高于上述指标时,可通过增加预热面积或降速度来解决。当瓦楞纸的含水量于上述指标时,可采用喷雾溶液。作者认为,单面瓦楞纸板通过快速进料输送带是积极的类型和积累在天桥距离是一致的,纸和瓦楞纸水分调整好,含水量是合适的,单面瓦楞纸板在桥梁桩的数量不宜过多,不间断,但为了保证双面机在单面机上的纸张,单面瓦楞纸板在立交桥上的堆积量可以适当增加。
  1. When the water content of the corrugated paper entering the single-sided machine is controlled between 9% - 12%, the corrugated paper forming is ideal. When the moisture content of corrugated paper is higher than the above index, it can be solved by increasing the preheating area or reducing the speed. When the moisture content of corrugated paper is lower than the above index, spray solution can be used. The author thinks that the positive type of single-sided corrugated board passing through the fast feeding conveyor belt is consistent with the accumulation in the overpass distance, the water content of paper and corrugated paper is well adjusted, and the water content is appropriate. The number of single-sided corrugated board in the bridge pile should not be too much and uninterrupted, but in order to ensure the paper of double-sided machine on single-sided machine, the accumulation of single-sided corrugated board on the overpass can be increased appropriately.
  2. 烘干机的温度对瓦楞纸板的含水率有很大的影响。瓦楞纸板生产线的加热段通常由三组(或四组)组成,其数量由加热板的大小和瓦楞纸板生产线的速度决定,每组配备一个独立的控制阀。为了保证单面瓦楞纸板在进入烘干机前的含水率基本相同,可以通过调整三联式预热器上单面瓦楞纸板的预热面积来解决问题。调整方法如下:当含水率过高时,预热面积增大;当含水量过时,预热面积减小。
  2. The temperature of the dryer has a great influence on the moisture content of the corrugated board. The heating section of the corrugated board production line is usually composed of three groups (or four groups), the number of which is determined by the size of the heating plate and the speed of the corrugated board production line. Each group is equipped with an independent control valve. In order to ensure that the moisture content of the single-sided corrugated board is basically the same before entering the dryer, the problem can be solved by adjusting the preheating area of the single-sided corrugated board on the triple preheater. The adjustment method is as follows: when the moisture content is too high, the preheating area increases; when the moisture content is too low, the preheating area decreases.
  3.由于瓦楞纸板生产过程带走大量的热量,饱和蒸汽的一部分进入预热器中冷凝和瓦楞辊,通常通过疏水装置,为了保证正常排出冷凝水,作者建议明渠设备每4小时前的旁通管阀3 ~ 5分钟,以确保温度相对稳定。控制胶水的量通常是用来制造瓦楞纸板是玉米淀粉胶粘剂,其主要成分是:玉米淀粉、水、氢氧化钠和硼砂,由于瓦楞纸板生产线配置,它的速度是不同的,胶的粘度、浓度、糊化温度也不同。随着施胶量的大小,瓦楞纸板的含水量也会发生变化。当上胶量不小时,瓦楞纸板的含水量不小,反之,不小。单面机和双面机的胶辊与限位辊之间的间隙一般为0.2mm ~ 0.25mm。瓦楞辊与单面机下胶辊之间的间隙一般为0.1mm ~ 0.2mm。双面压辊(接触杆)与胶辊之间的间隙应略小于单面瓦楞纸板的高度0.05mm ~ 0.1mm。上面的间隙可以用塞尺测量,但是两个滚子应该是平行的。
  3. Because the corrugated board production process takes a lot of heat, part of the saturated steam enters the preheater for condensation and corrugating roll, usually through the drainage device, in order to ensure the normal discharge of the condensate, the author suggests that the open channel equipment bypass pipe valve every 4 hours before 3 to 5 minutes to ensure the relative stability of the insulation. The amount of glue is usually used to make corrugated board, which is corn starch adhesive. Its main components are corn starch, water, sodium hydroxide and borax. Because of the configuration of corrugated board production line, its speed is different, and the viscosity, concentration and gelatinization temperature of the glue are also different. With the size of sizing, the water content of corrugated board will also change. When the amount of glue, corrugated board moisture content is not small, on the contrary, not small. The gap between the rubber roll and the limit roll of single-sided machine and double-sided machine is generally 0.2mm ~ 0.25mm. The gap between the corrugating roller and the lower rubber roller of the single-sided machine is generally 0.1mm ~ 0.2mm. The gap between the double-sided pressing roller (contact rod) and the cot shall be slightly less than the height of the single-sided corrugated board by 0.05mm ~ 0.1mm. The above clearance can be measured with feeler gauge, but the two rollers should be parallel.
  The change of temperature and relative humidity (summer and winter), the amount of glue is also relatively small, because the viscosity of adhesive becomes thinner in summer, the concentration can be adjusted to appropriately increase the solid content, and the corrugated base paper with high moisture absorption of the ring pressure index is used; improving the temperature of adhesive can guarantee the poor fluidity of adhesive in winter.