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来源:http://www.shuangfengbaozhuang.cn 时间:2020-06-23

In addition to the strength and toughness of paper holder, paper holder products can be made into various complex shapes according to customers' requirements. When it is used as disposable tableware, its shape is relatively simple and its strength requirement is not high. When it is used as industrial inner packaging, its shape is very complex. It must meet the three requirements of industrial inner packaging:
First, positioning requirements. The paper support products must be able to ensure that the packed articles have a fixed position in the packing box. It is required that the shape of the paper support products and the packed articles is synchronous, the contact is close, and the size is accurate.
Second, buffer requirements. The paper holder shall have certain toughness and flexibility as a whole, and its surface shall be soft. When it contacts with the packed goods, it shall not damage the surface luster of the packed goods, and it can eliminate the impact of collision and vibration when the packed goods are transported. Third, bearing. The products are required to have certain strength and rigidity to support the package and bear external pressure. In order to meet the above functional requirements of products, in addition to the selection of appropriate raw materials, additives and production processes, the more important is the structural design.
(1) Functional structure:
The forming process characteristics of paper support products determine that the same paper support can only have one thickness. In order to meet the functional requirements, the cavity and vertical bar can be used when adjusting the strength and buffering. The cavity can increase the overall elasticity and flexibility of the products, and the vertical bar can increase the strength and rigidity of the products. In a relatively large plane with high bearing capacity requirements, it can be designed as a corrugated or honeycomb shape.
(2) Technological structure: since the paper holder molded product is a wet paper blank at the initial stage of forming, during the production process, water should be gradually separated out, and the shape, position and size of the product will be greatly changed. In the same plane and different positions in the same direction of the product, the total shrinkage of the paper holder is different, at this time, the paper holder will be warped or twisted
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