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来源:http://www.shuangfengbaozhuang.cn 时间:2020-07-27

Offset film has a series of advantages, such as convenient purchase, economic, timely supply and relatively mature process conditions. However, offset film has a fatal weakness: the surface is too smooth. A certain amount of oxygen will be released in the photopolymerization process of photosensitive resin flexible plate. Only the frosted film can make the oxygen discharged smoothly, keep the membrane in constant contact with the plate, and accurately transfer the image. On the contrary, the surface of offset film is smooth and can not output oxygen smoothly, which leads to the increase of space between film and plate, resulting in image deformation, text thickening, fuzzy and other defects. Some plate makers use powder spraying method to alleviate these problems to a certain extent, but at the same time, it also leads to the decrease of light transmittance and increases the haze of negative film.
Analysis error 2: unreasonable configuration of prepress system
Because the special software of flexographic printing is relatively expensive, it can accept non ordinary small and medium-sized plate making companies. Only a few overseas companies can use it in China at present, while the vast majority of plate making manufacturers locate themselves according to local conditions.
一般来说,大多数小型制版厂使用平台扫描仪和数码相机作为输入设备,修改电脑使用的PC或apple G3,加上照排机和电影处理器作为输出设备。由于印版尺寸的限制,国内许多厂家复制胶版制版配置,甚采用印刷输出、摄影等滞后技术,使得国内瓦楞纸箱柔印技术一直处于水平状态。仅作为手工刻胶板的替代品,它还没有进入彩色瓦楞纸箱印刷时代。与国外同行相比,我们在未来落后了近10-15年。
In general, most small plate making plants use platform scanners and digital cameras as input devices, modify the PC or apple G3 used by computers, and add imagesetters and movie processors as output devices. Due to the limitation of printing plate size, many domestic manufacturers copy offset plate making configuration, and even adopt lag technology such as printing output and photography, which makes the domestic corrugated box flexo printing technology at a low level. It has not entered the era of color corrugated box printing only as a substitute for manual engraving. Compared with foreign counterparts, we are nearly 10-15 years behind in the future.
Economic analysis error 3: blind selection of plate materials
许多制版企业不考虑印刷厂的实际情况,如印刷机的型号、胶带的厚度、所用油墨的种类等,盲目跟风。以瓦楞纸箱用板为例。很多客户只知道杜邦公司的TDR板块。TDR是一种应用广泛的瓦楞纸板材料,制版性能优异,但其分辨率不如EXL / UXL等一批薄板。当打印e型起皱和图像达到120行/英寸时,需要使用EXL / UXL和其他带有海绵垫的薄板,以获得高分辨率。同时,随着印版硬度的提高,还可以减少网点的膨胀,使印品达到优异的效果。
Many plate making enterprises do not consider the actual situation of the printing plant, such as the type of printing machine, the thickness of tape, the type of ink used, etc., blindly follow the trend. Take corrugated box board as an example. Many customers only know DuPont's famous TDR segment. TDR is a widely used corrugated board material with excellent plate making performance, but its resolution is not as good as that of EXL / UXL. When printing e-wrinkles and images up to 120 lines / inch, EXL / UXL and other sheets with sponge pads are required for high resolution. At the same time, with the improvement of plate hardness, it can also reduce the dot expansion, so that the printing products achieve excellent results.
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