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来源:http://www.shuangfengbaozhuang.cn 时间:2020-09-10

纸护角具有抗压,防潮,重量轻,绿色环保,成本的特点。 它为托盘运输提供强大的整体包装,可以增强纸箱的堆叠强度,避免包装带损坏货物,可以有效地维护货物的边缘和角落,并可以加固托盘上的货物。 特别是环保要求,回收率达到100%,是各行各业的新型绿色包装材料。
Paper corner guard has the characteristics of compression resistance, moisture resistance, light weight, environmental protection and low cost. It provides a strong overall packaging for pallet transportation, can enhance the stacking strength of cartons, avoid damage to the goods by the packing belt, effectively maintain the edges and corners of the goods, and strengthen the goods on the pallet. Especially in line with the requirements of environmental protection, the recovery rate of 100%, is a new type of green packaging materials in all walks of life.
纸护角逐渐发展起来,它们绿色环保,人们所要求的环保包装产品。 由于其高的抗压强度和抗扭强度等物理性能以及强大的包装适应性,已被广泛用于五金,电子,食品,建材等各个行业的产品包装和运输。 随着纸护角保护行业的不断发展和完善,越来越多的公司将其添加到商品包装中。 那么,我们如何区分它的质量呢?
With the development of paper corner guards, they are green and environmentally friendly, and meet people's requirements for environmental protection packaging products. Due to its high compressive strength and torsional strength and strong packaging adaptability, it has been widely used in the packaging and transportation of products in various industries, such as hardware, electronics, food, building materials, etc. With the continuous development and improvement of paper corner protection industry, more and more companies add it to the commodity packaging. So, how do we distinguish between its quality?
1.外观:,我们需要检查纸护角的表面平整度。 纸护角由一层牛皮纸制成,其中有多层线轴和纸盒被粘合和压制。 由于牛皮纸是粗糙纸,因此在生产过程中对纸护角的表面光泽没有特殊要求,但角保护器的表面须平坦。 如果生产的护角板表面不平坦,则护角板非常不牢固。
1. Appearance: first of all, we need to check the surface flatness of the paper corner guard. The paper corner guard is made of a layer of kraft paper, in which multi-layer bobbins and cartons are glued and pressed. Because kraft paper is rough paper, there is no special requirement for the surface gloss of paper corner protector in the production process, but the surface of corner protector must be flat. If the surface of the corner plate is not flat, the corner plate is very weak.
2.触感:与其他纸包装产品相比,纸护角具有更高的硬度和一定的厚度。 好的纸护角触感更平滑,更硬,更难捏。 另外,纸护角的硬度和厚度是衡量角保护器质量的重要参数。 高硬度不一定是高硬度,而厚硬度不一定是高硬度。 仅两个要求的合格人员才被视为合格人员。
2. Touch: compared with other paper packaging products, paper corner guard has higher hardness and certain thickness. A good paper horn guard feels smoother, harder and harder to pinch. In addition, the hardness and thickness of paper corner protector are important parameters to measure the quality of angle protector. High hardness is not necessarily high hardness, while thick hardness is not necessarily high hardness. Only qualified personnel who meet both requirements are considered qualified personnel.
3.称重:称重纸护角是检查角保护器质量的相对简单有效的方法之一。 重量是检查纸张角落的障碍,不能伪造纸张质量,也是根本的。 在纸张密度方面,劣质纸护角与高质量纸护角不同。 只要知道,他们就会知道纸护角是否是假的。
3. Weighing: weighing paper corner guard is one of the relatively simple and effective methods to check the quality of angle protector. Weight is an obstacle to checking the corners of the paper. It is also fundamental that the quality of paper can not be forged. In terms of paper density, poor quality paper corner guard is different from high quality paper corner guard. As long as they know, they will know whether the paper corner guard is fake.