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来源:http://www.shuangfengbaozhuang.cn 时间:2020-12-04

At present, there are six kinds of pallets, such as metal pallets, plastic pallets and plastic pallets.
Generally, metal pallets can reach more than 20 years of service life. If the product is well designed, of good quality, and properly maintained, it can be used indefinitely. Now let's introduce how to realize the indefinite use of metal pallet.
1) 注意所施加压力的均匀性,否则久而久之会出现变形和弯曲的情况;
1) Pay attention to the uniformity of applied pressure, otherwise deformation and bending will occur over time;
2) 托盘厚度不同,承载的重量不同。在使用中要注意承载量的大小,不可超载使用;
2) The weight of the pallet varies with its thickness. Attention should be paid to the size of the bearing capacity in use, and overloading is not allowed;
3) 托盘的尺寸也是需要考虑的参数,货物尺寸不可超过托盘尺寸;
3) The size of the pallet is also a key parameter to be considered. The size of the goods should not exceed the size of the pallet;
4) 摆放货物要注意均匀放置,这样做可以避免在搬运的过程中出现侧歪的情况;
4) The goods should be placed evenly, so as to avoid the skew in the process of transportation;
5) 应以包装组合的形式摆放在托盘上,方便后面的装卸和运输工作。
5) It should be placed on the pallet in the form of packaging combination to facilitate the loading, unloading and transportation work at the back.
Of course, in addition to the correct use and maintenance in the later stage, the design and production work in the early stage are also very important. Tongda logistics machines usually adopt two ways of spray and zinc plating to make the service life of pallets longer, and can customize the size of pallets and other data to avoid the situation that the size of customers' goods does not match the size of pallets. In addition, there are specialized senior designers to take care of customer service, give professional opinions to customers, and meet the needs of customers to the greatest extent. The products will be inspected to ensure the quality of the products.
Do you know that nowadays more and more enterprises begin to use pallets, and the era of "belt supported transportation" is coming. From the perspective of China's general trend, the aging of the population is becoming increasingly serious and the labor force is decreasing. Based on the new policies issued by the state, the labor cost of enterprises is increasing. Mechanization and automation are the trend of the times. The era of development of belt and pallet transportation has already met the requirements and will come soon.