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来源:http://www.shuangfengbaozhuang.cn 时间:2020-12-10

As we all know, carton is produced by coating, bonding and forming after drying; while the color box paperboard is not heated and dried, and the moisture in the glue permeates into the paper, and the water on the color surface is blocked by the film of plastic (structure: synthetic resin, plasticizer, stabilizer and pigment), the moisture in the box blank is not good for a long time When it comes to emission, it naturally softens and reduces the intensity. Industrial paper tube is a tubular object made of paper. Most paper tubes are spiral paper tubes and seamless paper tubes. Therefore, we look for solutions from the following factors:
1. Paper collocation
有些企业存在这样一个误区:里面纸用的克重愈大愈能增加纸箱(carton)的承压力和抗压强度(strength),其实不然。欲增强彩箱彩盒的承压力、抗压强度必须增强芯纸的承压能力,只要面纸裱胶后不显瓦楞(wǎ léng)痕迹就应尽量采用克重纸张;芯纸、瓦纸好使用挺力好、环压强度高的草浆或木浆纸。不要使用中强、或普强瓦纸,因其多为生浆和再生浆的混合物,吸水快、环压强度、韧性虽好但挺度。经试验,采用可勃法测定(gage)中强瓦纸比划浆纸吸水率高15%-30%左右;里纸可适当增加克重。实践证明,降里面纸的克重,增加瓦纸、芯纸克重,无论是从质量还是价位上更具竞争(competition)优势。
Some enterprises have such a misunderstanding: the larger the gram weight of the paper inside, the greater the pressure and strength of cartons can be increased. In fact, it is not. In order to enhance the pressure bearing capacity and compressive strength of color box, the pressure bearing capacity of core paper must be enhanced. As long as there is no corrugation (w ǎ L é ng) mark on the surface paper, the low gram weight paper should be used as far as possible; straw pulp or wood pulp paper with good stiffness and high ring crush strength should be used for core paper and tile paper. Do not use medium strength or ordinary strong tile paper, because it is mostly a mixture of raw pulp and recycled pulp, fast water absorption, low ring crush strength, good toughness but low stiffness. The results show that the water absorption rate of medium strength tile paper is 15% - 30% higher than that of the size paper, and the weight of inner paper can be increased appropriately. Practice has proved that reducing the gram weight of inner paper and increasing the gram weight of tile paper and core paper have more competitive advantages both in quality and price.
2. Glue quality (mass)
纸箱生产现在使用的大都是自制或购买的玉米淀粉(starch)胶。连云港纸箱厂在确保纸箱产品质量的前提下,可因地制宜地设置质量检验机构及配备质量检验人员。的玉米胶不但粘合强度好,而且还能增强纸板(zhǐ bǎn)的承压力、挺力等,且箱体不易变形。玉米淀粉胶的优劣与制作工艺、环境、原辅料质量(Mass)、搅拌时间等有密切的关系。玉米淀粉的质量要求,细度98-100目,灰分不超过0.1%;含水量14.0%;酸度20CC/100g;二氧(Oxygen)化(oxidation)硫0.004%;气味正常;颜色白或略带微黄。
The production of cartons now mostly uses self-made or purchased corn starch glue. On the premise of ensuring the quality of carton products, Lianyungang carton factory can set up quality inspection organization and staff according to local conditions. High quality corn glue not only has good adhesion strength, but also can enhance the pressure and stiffness of paperboard (zh ǐ B ǎ n), and the box is not easy to deform. The advantages and disadvantages of corn starch adhesive are closely related to the production process, environment, quality of raw and auxiliary materials (mass), mixing time, etc. The quality requirements of corn starch are as follows: fineness 98-100 mesh, ash content no more than 0.1%; water content 14.0%; acidity 20cc / 100g; oxygen sulfur 0.004%; normal smell; white or slightly yellow color.
制胶淀粉质量如不此标准,可视情况适当降水比。气温升高,水比应相应减少,硼(B)砂,片碱(Alkali)应酌情增加,双氧(Oxygen)水应减少用量。熟胶制好后不宜久放,尤其夏季好随做随用,胶液里加入甲醛3%-4%、甘油、硼酸各0.1%,可增加纸张阻水能力、加快粘合速度、增强纸板(zhǐ bǎn)硬度。
If the quality of gelatinized starch does not meet the standard, the water ratio can be reduced appropriately according to the situation. With the increase of air temperature, the water ratio should be reduced accordingly, the amount of boron (b) sand and flake alkali should be increased as appropriate, and the amount of oxygen water should be reduced. The prepared glue should not be kept for a long time, especially in summer. Formaldehyde 3% - 4%, glycerol and boric acid 0.1% are added to the glue solution, which can increase the water resistance of paper, speed up the bonding speed and enhance the hardness of paperboard.
除此外,在裱贴纸板时亦可采用环保(Environmental protection)型化学胶,即PVA粘合剂。其特点是裱贴瓦楞纸板平整、挺直、粘合好,经久不变形,其制作方法是(以100kg粘合剂为例):用料配比:聚乙烯醇13.7kg,醋酸聚乙烯醇乳液2.74kg,草酸1.37kg,水82kg,水比1∶6)。,将水加热90℃,加入聚乙燃醇搅拌均匀(jūn yún),继续加热水沸,保温3小时,再加入草酸搅拌,后加入醋酸聚乙烯醇乳液搅拌均匀即成。
In addition, environmental protection type chemical adhesive, namely PVA adhesive, can be used for mounting paperboard. It is characterized by flat, straight and adhesive bonding of corrugated paperboard. It can not be deformed for a long time. Its manufacturing method is (taking 100kg adhesive as an example): material ratio: polyvinyl alcohol 13.7kg, polyvinyl acetate emulsion 2.74kg, oxalic acid 1.37kg, water 82kg, water ratio 1: 6). First of all, heat the water to 90 degrees, add polyethyl alcohol to stir evenly (J N Y N), continue heating to boiling water, heat for 3 hours, then add oxalic acid to stir, and finally add polyvinyl acetate emulsion to stir evenly.
3. Gluing amount
Whether it is manual or automatic mechanical mounting color surface, the amount of glue should not be too large. On the premise of ensuring the quality of carton products, Lianyungang carton factory can set up quality inspection organization and staff according to local conditions. In actual production, in order to avoid degumming, some employees increase the amount of glue, which is insufficient and must be strictly controlled. 80-110g / m2 is the best. However, depending on the size of the corrugation (adjust), the amount of glue evenly coated ridge peak is appropriate, as long as not degumming, the less glue the better.
4. Quality of single side paperboard
单面瓦楞(wǎ léng)纸板(zhǐ bǎn)的质量(Mass)是由原纸的质量、瓦楞楞型、瓦楞机的工作(job)温度、粘合剂质量、机器运行速度,操作者技术水平决定的。
The mass of single side corrugated paperboard is determined by the quality of base paper, corrugating type, working temperature of corrugating machine, quality of adhesive, running speed of machine and technical level of operator.