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来源:http://www.shuangfengbaozhuang.cn 时间:2021-01-21

1、 Reduce the waste of production process
This requires the R & D personnel of heavy-duty carton packaging manufacturers to strive to improve the production process. For example, through the merger of production process to reduce processing time, through the use of appropriate equipment and methods to simplify the difficulty of machining process. Through the improvement of production process, the production time of heavy-duty carton products can be shortened, the production cost can be saved, and the capital flow speed of heavy-duty carton packaging manufacturers can be accelerated.
2、 Effective inventory management of heavy duty carton packaging manufacturers
The inventory of heavy-duty carton packaging is the enemy of the business turnover of manufacturers, which seriously restricts the effective use of raw materials and the realization of products produced by heavy-duty carton packaging manufacturers. Tedun heavy-duty carton manufacturers found through market survey that many heavy-duty carton packaging manufacturers do not pay attention to inventory management, and do not consider the actual production needs and market conditions when feeding paperboard materials, resulting in long-term idleness of raw materials; and the heavy-duty carton products produced can not be realized in time, which will seriously affect the normal capital flow of heavy-duty carton packaging manufacturers.
Therefore, safe and reasonable inventory for heavy-duty carton packaging manufacturers is very important, but also a means to reduce waste. Heavy carton packaging manufacturers can use ERP system safety stock reminder and timely and accurate MRP calculation for reasonable procurement, so as to solve this problem.
3、 Reduce downtime
The reason why heavy-duty carton packing manufacturers have to stop work is that the paperboard materials are not enough or can not meet the requirements. The reasons for this phenomenon are the inaccurate calculation of purchasing materials, the waste caused by unbalanced production process, and the large change of workload. Downtime will cause a waste of time, but also lead to the increase of labor costs, and bring losses to heavy-duty carton packaging manufacturers. It can be said that this is one of the most intolerable situations in the heavy-duty carton industry. Therefore, the heavy-duty carton packaging manufacturers can use ERP system to remind the full set of materials, MRP calculation, material blending, work order scheduling and other operations to eliminate the occurrence of downtime and waiting for materials, so as to improve the cost management of heavy-duty carton packaging manufacturers in 2017.
4、 Reduce unnecessary loss of paperboard raw materials
If the material quality of heavy-duty carton packaging manufacturers is not up to the standard and the production process is not strictly controlled, the yield of heavy-duty carton products will be too low, which is an unnecessary loss and eventually leads to the production cost rise of heavy-duty carton packaging manufacturers. For this kind of unnecessary loss, we must find out the cause, whether it is the problem of paperboard material, or the problem of equipment or personnel operation; whether it is accidental or frequent. After finding out the reason, the heavy-duty carton packing manufacturer can suit the remedy to the case and avoid the loss again.
5、 Reserve more substitutes
Under the premise of ensuring product quality, the R & D personnel of heavy-duty carton products can find out some alternative solutions in the production process through more research, or find out some cheaper alternative materials, which also has important significance for the cost control of heavy-duty carton packaging products.