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来源:http://www.shuangfengbaozhuang.cn 时间:2021-02-12

1、建议使用防水防潮效果较好的原纸,尤其是带坑的瓦纸。为了测试原纸的防水效果,可以用柯布测试仪测试原纸的表面吸水率。一般当表面吸水率于50 g/m2 (60S)时,防水防潮效果更好。一般为了提高原纸表面的耐水性,造纸厂需要增加表面施胶淀粉糊中防水添加剂的比例。
1. It is suggested to use base paper with good waterproof and moisture-proof effect, especially tile paper with pit. In order to test the waterproof effect of the base paper, the surface water absorption of the base paper can be tested by the Cobb tester. Generally, when the surface water absorption is less than 50 g / m2 (60s), the waterproof and moisture-proof effect is better. Generally, in order to improve the water resistance of base paper surface, paper mills need to increase the proportion of waterproof additives in surface sizing starch paste.
2. In the production and processing of the carton, try to remove the moisture in the carton. The base paper warehouse should be isolated from the outside as far as possible to avoid humid air in the warehouse. When making paste, increasing the content of powder and reducing the amount of glue can reduce the water content of 0, 10-10 and 020. In addition, increasing the proportion of borax will also improve the handle of corrugated boxes. Reduce the amount of paperboard piled up on the paper overpass, slow down the speed, especially fully dehumidify the stacked corrugated boxes.
Corrugated box
3. Storage environment: after the paperboard is rolled out of the production line, the undivided steam should be removed to avoid condensation caused by temperature difference. The storage environment of paperboard or carton should be ventilated. Cardboard boxes should not be placed on the ground, but should be supported by backing plates (pallets, splints). Pay attention to the gap between them for ventilation and heat dissipation.
4. In the process of product delivery, some are transported by gondola cars, some by Van trucks. Generally speaking, the latter can protect the drying of paperboard better than the former, avoid and reduce softening.
5. After the corrugated box is rolled down from the paperboard production line, it should enter the next process as soon as possible. The longer the cycle, the easier it is to absorb moisture in the air and soften it. In the process of production and processing, the residence time of cartons should be shortened as far as possible to avoid softening due to long-time exposure to humid air. The workshop should also be properly isolated from the outside to avoid water vapor blowing directly into the workshop.
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