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来源:http://www.shuangfengbaozhuang.cn 时间:2021-02-24

纸护角在仓库中存放时间过长。 如果从仓库中取出后立即用于制造,由于温度和湿度不适合印刷车间,它也会收缩和收缩。 纸角的起点和印刷厂通常不在同一地区,因此温度和湿度会有所不同。 如果印刷厂不对印刷车间的温度和湿度进行相对调节,则纸角不可避免地会收缩和收缩,从而影响印刷产品的质量。
The paper corner protector is stored in the warehouse for a long time. If it is taken out of the warehouse and used for manufacturing immediately, it will shrink and shrink because the temperature and humidity are not suitable for the printing workshop. The starting point of the paper corner and the printing plant are usually not in the same area, so the temperature and humidity will be different. If the printing factory does not adjust the temperature and humidity of the printing workshop, the paper corner will inevitably shrink and shrink, which will affect the quality of printing products.
印刷机内部的温度高于外部自然环境。 交付部分纸角的散热条件不可能完全相同。 热量更快,中间的散热更慢。 这不仅会导致纸角膨胀和收缩不一致,还会继续引起诸如纸角变形的问题。
The temperature inside the press is higher than that outside the natural environment. The heat dissipation conditions of the corner of the delivery part cannot be exactly the same. The heat is faster, and the heat in the middle is slower. This will not only lead to inconsistent expansion and contraction of paper angle, but also continue to cause problems such as paper angle deformation.
UV印刷也会引起纸护角的膨胀和收缩。 在此阶段,礼品盒通常在进入后期生产过程之前经历各种印刷过程,例如UV胶版印刷,凹版印刷和丝网印刷。 在UV胶版印刷中,纸角保护器在整个胶印过程中吸收并吸收大量水。 将紫外线灯直接暴露在紫外线灯下后,纸角保护器的温度将升高并损失一些水分。 经过一遍润湿和一遍干燥的整个过程后,纸角会膨胀和收缩,在生产和加工过程中可能会出现产品质量问题。
UV printing can also cause the expansion and contraction of paper corner protectors. At this stage, gift boxes usually go through various printing processes before entering the later production process, such as UV offset printing, intaglio printing and screen printing. In UV offset printing, the paper corner protector first absorbs and absorbs a large amount of water in the whole process of offset printing. After the UV lamp is directly exposed to the UV lamp, the temperature of the paper corner protector will rise and some moisture will be lost. After the whole process of wetting and drying, the paper corner will expand and contract, which may lead to product quality problems in the production and processing process.
纸护角进入仓库后五天内用于印刷和制造,这样它们就可以融入当地气候,而不会在打印前后使纸角显得很大。 横向伸缩。
The paper corners are used for printing and manufacturing within five days after entering the warehouse, so that they can be integrated into the local climate without making the corners appear large before and after printing. Lateral expansion.
同一制造商生产的不同批次的纸护角在膨胀和收缩方面会有差异。 如果此纸角与同一批印刷品混合在一起,将会给生产带来的不便。 从仓库发送到印刷车间的每批纸护角装置都不太可能马上用完,通常会剩下少量。 其余的纸角将与兴鑫的纸角一起打印,以进行下一次打印,但是由于这两批纸角的膨胀和收缩不一致,因此很可能会出现产品质量问题。
Different batches of paper corner protectors produced by the same manufacturer have different expansion and shrinkage. If this paper corner is mixed with the same batch of printed matter, it will bring inconvenience to the production. Every batch of paper corner guards sent from the warehouse to the printing shop is unlikely to run out immediately, usually leaving a small amount. The remaining paper corners will be printed together with Xingxin's paper corners for the next printing. However, due to the inconsistent expansion and contraction of these two batches of paper corners, product quality problems are likely to occur.
通常情况下,在一个生产车间中不容易进行印刷和印后加工等制造过程。 一些印刷公司甚为每个过程开设独立的生产车间。 由于每个过程中常用的机械设备必须排热,并且加热能力不同,这也将导致每个生产车间的自然环境温度和湿度不一致,从而影响纸张的膨胀和收缩 角落。
Generally speaking, it is not easy to carry out the manufacturing process such as printing and post press processing in a production workshop. Some printing companies even set up independent workshops for each process. Because the common mechanical equipment in each process must discharge heat, and the heating capacity is different, it will also lead to the inconsistency of natural environment temperature and humidity in each production workshop, thus affecting the expansion and contraction of paper.