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来源:http://www.shuangfengbaozhuang.cn 时间:2021-03-24

一,纸护角和包装带并置,并在纸箱,板,金属管等的每个角上以单个模式放置纸角,并拧紧袋子以构成 结实安稳的形状。 包装全体。
1、 The paper angle protection and the packing belt are placed in a single mode on each corner of the carton, board, metal pipe, etc. and the bag is tightened to form a solid and stable shape. Package all.
二,纸护角的适用性可与木箱媲美。 目前,货运消费仍然是跨国商人的头疼问题之一。 角撑板固定在商品的四个旁边面,能够保护产品的脆弱角并削减商品的消耗。
2、 The applicability of paper angle protection can be compared with that of wooden box. At present, freight consumption is still one of the headache problems of transnational businessmen. Gusset plate is fixed on four sides of the commodity, which can protect the fragile angle of the product and reduce the consumption of the goods.
三,纸护角能够承受1500公斤以上的压力,因而,在运送比如洗衣机,微波炉,冰箱等物品时,在纸箱的四个角处放置一些短纸角,则或许需要堆叠 纸箱在一起。 同时,它不会挤压内容物,以避免在运送过程中形成不必要的损坏。 纸角对于其他的角产品而言相对较为显着,而且他的本钱很简单挽回诈骗。 纸角变得越来越盛行和合理。
3、 The paper angle can withstand pressure of more than 1500 kg, so when transporting articles such as washing machine, microwave oven, refrigerator, etc., some short paper corners are placed at the four corners of the carton, and the cartons may need to be stacked together. At the same time, it does not squeeze the content to avoid unnecessary damage during the delivery. Paper corner is relatively obvious for other corner products, and his low cost is easy to recover fraud. Paper corners are becoming more and more popular and reasonable.
How to use paper angle protection correctly
能够了解,纸护角是由纸浆和纸板制成的托盘。 用于放置货品和物品的水平渠道设备,通常用于组装,堆叠,装卸和运送。 那么,运用纸护角的正确办法是什么?
It can be understood that paper angle protection is a tray made of pulp and cardboard. Horizontal channel equipment used to place goods and items, usually used for assembly, stacking, loading and unloading and transportation. So, what is the right way to use paper corner protection?
1.纸护角的承重才能和产品的放置取决于样品。 由于单个客户的产品规格繁多,因而,如果改变商品的尺寸和放置位置,很简单在整个托盘上形成不均匀的力;
1. the bearing capacity of paper angle and the placement of the product depend on the sample. Because of the wide range of product specifications of a single customer, if the size and placement of the goods are changed, it is very simple to form uneven force on the whole tray;
2. when packing, please pay attention to the matching between the bottom area of the pallet and the surface area of the pallet, so as to avoid damaging the pallet and collapsing the pallet due to uneven force, partial force or deviation;
3. when using auxiliary tools such as forklift, please pay attention to flattening and flattening to avoid damaging the pallet and the stressed articles due to uneven force or partial force;
4. only the packed goods shall be placed on the carton before delivery, so as to avoid the scattered or excessive fire force of the goods on the paper corner protection, and avoid the deformation and damage of the paper box;
5. although most paper corners are waterproof, it does not mean that they can be immersed in water for a long time, so contact with water should be avoided as much as possible;
6. the bottom foot of paper angle protection and panel are glued together, and some stress shall be avoided;
Thank you for your reading. I hope the above content will help you. If you want to know more wonderful content, please click our official website: paper corner protection manufacturer https://www.shuangfengbaozhuang.cn  .